Mokia Naputu

Professor and Writer
written by VOM:
Ambition and Education Interview with Mokia
The Maasai Crisis: Five core challenges implicating the future of indigenous people in East Africa
Serengetidipity Discovery
2018, at the airport for departure to Tanzania, I received a rather lengthy email; a youthful Maasai man was hoping to meet and share some ideas. It took me 10 seconds to settle on replying and arranged a meeting at the Mount Meru hotel in Arusha a few days after my arrival.
Briskly strolling my way on the patio, with me looking about as natural as a gazelle with a goat head, I dubiously stood up, extended my hand and greeted Mokia's delightful warm smile. Instead of formal introductions, we commented about the scent of the pool and the flowers protruding along the sundeck. In the wake of an extended talk, I discovered a very bright mind who needed a platform to share his educated Maasai perspectives and aspiring goals for his homeland.
~ Owner & Executive Producer, Jessey Jansen
Mokia Naputu Mollel, a Maasai from Simanjiro District in the northern part of Tanzania, Professor at the University of Dar Es Salaam. He uses Voice of Maasai platform to empower knowledge and teach others about Maasai culture and the issues they face.