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E9 Education and Cultural Relevance in Ending FGM, with Samuel Leadismo

Samuel Leadismo
Listen to podcast on YouTube

Samuel Leadismo is the Founder & Director of Pastoralist Child Foundation. Leadismo has been working to End HCPs and empowering his community in Samburu and Narok County, awarded in 2018 by the Kenya Anti-FGM Board as a male champion in the end against FGM.

His work has been featured in: Voice of America, USA today newspaper, Marie Claire magazine,UNICEF at Centro de notifias de la ONU, contributed to the book “Eradicate FGM” by Hilary Burrage, featured at Humanosphere, FRIATIDNINGEN, AFRIKANISCHEN, KINDER and Black tie magazine.

About the End FGM Podcast

This podcast features people working in individual and organizational capacities in Kenya and beyond. They share their experiences, successes, failures and lessons learnt in the Anti FGM Campaign. Hosted by Jeremiah Kipainoi. Published in partner with Voice of Maasai.

About FGM

According to the World health Organization, Female genital mutilation (FGM) comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.

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