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E11 Engaging Survivors, Religious leaders in Ending FGM, with Sadia Hussein (Part 1 and 2)

Sadia Hussein
Listen to podcast on YouTube

Sadia Hussein is an end FGM Activist and the coordinator of Dayaa Women Group, a survivor led women group that carries out #EndFGM campaigns in the Vast Tana River County in Kenya. As a survivor, she has vowed to share her story and rally other survivors to come out and speak up aganist this harmful cultural practice. As a mother of three girls, she has vowed to protect them from this harmful cultural practice and lead by example. Through Dayaa women group she also spearheads the #FGMNotMyReligion campaign that rallies religious leaders to join the campaign

About the End FGM Podcast

This podcast features people working in individual and organizational capacities in Kenya and beyond. They share their experiences, successes, failures and lessons learnt in the Anti FGM Campaign. Hosted by Jeremiah Kipainoi. Published in partner with Voice of Maasai.

About FGM

According to the World health Organization, Female genital mutilation (FGM) comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.

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