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Mural Win Fundraising Loss

Our Kickstarter was not fully funded. Thank you to the Backers who pledged their support, but we will not collect your generous awards for this campaign through the KS platform. If you would still like to support our creative initiatives and label directly, please see this link to give the gift of creative expression and continue to Amplify Maasai Voices.

We are excited to announce that the mural has been completed and the captivating public art installation is already garnering applause. It is our hope that the image with its bright rays of light and the courageous woman standing strong and emblematic of life itself will be a reminder that there are always good and bad times, but things are temporary and we will make it through together, especially in this time of uncertainty.

This project is too magnanimous for words. It is the culmination of years of relationship building and determination to help others succeed. We hope many bystanders take pause as they pass the wall on Crokon Road in Arusha. We would like to send a special thanks to Arusha Meru International School for the wall space to help beauty Arusha streets for residents and visitors alike. Please send us your images on IG in front of the wall and tag @voiceofmaasai

Voice of Maasai Mural 2020 in Arusha Tanzania Artist: Wachata Crew PC: Alex Lobulu

Team VOM Wachata Crew and Alex Lobulu

Mural Process PC: Alex Lobulu

Mural Process PC: Alex Lobulu

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