Attu Medicine, female vocalist in our latest release Karibu Tanzania, has a voice that will captivate you. The energy is sweet and soft with a tempting womanly undertone that highlights her gorgeous pitch and clarity.
Attu is a novice and was ready to give up on her aspiring music goals. Her days are challenged with being a single mother in a country often disregarding female talent, a combo which wickedly erodes confidence. Jeremy, a member of #voiceofmaasai team, caught wind of Attu and contacted me with a pitch to develop her talents.
This is the power of Voice of Maasai, the exceptional #leadership in all of my team members. They have the ability to lift others as they climb, illuminate work of others, and openly trust and empower others. Willing to evolve and be inclusive, they are the impetus of VOM's purposefulness.
Part of being a leader is picking the right priorities. Good leaders know what to take on, great leaders know what to give up and true leaders make sacrifices and forgo things.
Over a decade of managing VOM has taught me many things, most importantly that successful leaders leave their ego at the door. They are uncomfortable on a pedestal and excel at taking feedback and acting on it with humility. I am thrilled to have Attu as the newest member of the #VOMteam and send her an elated welcome. We are all behind her success, anticipating the joys and readying for trials together as a team. #pamoja
Attu's scheduled studio time in #DarEsSalaam is Oct 8 which will focus on:
Lyric guidance and coaching
Vocal coaching
Song recording
Networking with producers, songwriters, artists, media personalities and other music collaborators
Interview, song release and news updates will be posted on social media and website. Please send Attu your warm welcome in the comments below! Follow on Facebook
Karibu Tanzania
Hopeful poets flow fresh personal style sheathed in the intoxicating peaceful rhythm that Tanzanians effortlessly embody. Jumping-off with a smooth call-out to Gen Z, followed with cautionary tales of history and teachable moments, the male-female duo raps and reps out for happenings in their beloved nation of #Tanzania.