Embarking on yet another daring endeavor, and this time, it's on a community-sized scale. VOM Talent Search is launching in Simanjiro.
Auditions are set to take place on Feb 13-15 with finalist competition Feb 16th.
We've got an action packed month ahead of us and we welcome emerging talent in the Simanjiro District, Manyara Region, to show us what you got! Winners will receive special recognition, lifetime profile on VOM, media interviews, transportation stipend, award certificates, medal, and our sweet recording package.

Staying true to our mission of amplifying Maasai voices and building bridges for creative talent, this competition is going straight to the people as part of the solution to bridge the gap between opportunities and realities. The power of collaboration and teamwork is demonstrated time and time again and we hope this competition will inspire more talent and fans to become part of our incredible community.
Shout out to the amazing VOM team on the ground organizing, prepping and recruiting participants:
Producer/Organizer: Alex Lobulu
Community Facilitator: Ting'ide Olopano, Pendo Moringe
Spirit Captain: Judy Lobulu
This team will grow! We are just getting started! We thank @Orkonereifm for the media spot and for allowing us the opportunity to speak with you. The competition will be documented and we will be posting, so follow along on FB and IG to be part of the excitement! #vomtalentsearch
Swahili Inquiries
Alex Lobulu